2025 Food Truck Application Because of a high volume of interest, Food Truck Applications must be received by May 2nd to participate in the event. Applications will close on this date. Payment needs to be submitted prior May 17th to secure your spot. Any inquiries concerning Food Truck Applications should be emailed to Attn: Jill Seitz at food@pvartfest.com 80 days to go First Name, Last Name* Food Truck Name* Email* Enter email again * Contact Number* Website/Social Media LinkPlease submit using this format https://website.com What Type of Food Truck Are You?Savory - $150Sweet - $100 What type of Food Truck are you?*A standard Food TruckA Food Truck with an Attached Trailer that needs to be unhitchedA Tent Truck License Plate Number* Size of Truck or Vendor Space (Length X Width)* Year of Vehicle* Insurance Provider and Policy Number* Driver's License Number and State* Is there anything else we need to know about you or your needs? Payment*Check – Made payable to PVAB – Put AFTF 2024 in the Memo Line - Sent to Perkiomen Valley Art Booster Attn: Mrs. Stacey Zampogna509 Gravel Pike, Collegeville PA 19426PayPal - You may pay via PayPal by sending money to donations@pvab.org. Please ensure that your registration is complete and that you receive email confirmation prior to sending payment. Payment alone does not guarantee your spot.REFUND/CANCELLATION POLICY – Cancellations received three weeks prior to the event are eligible for a full refund. Cancellations received within two weeks of the event are eligible for 50% fee reimbursement. Cancellations received one week prior to the event are not eligible for reimbursementSET UP - Trucks and food vendors will be allowed to begin on-site set-up at 9:30 am, but must arrive no later than 10:00 am. Necessary inspections will begin no later than 10:45am. All support vehicles must be off the street by 10:30am. All trucks must have a fire extinguisher. Trucks must be self contained and keep all packing materials out of sight.Trucks must be self-sufficient; Electricity and Water will not be supplied. An ample amount of trash receptacles will be present.Clean-Up - All vendors must clear their designated space of all trash and/or debris. Spaces needing to be cleaned after the event could result in prohibition of future event participation. All vendors will be released for departure thirty (30) minutes post-event, or after crowd disperses and the committee provides safe exit routesREFUND/CANCELLATION POLICY – Cancellations received three weeks prior to the event are eligible for a full refund. Cancellations received within two weeks of the event are eligible for 50% fee reimbursement. Cancellations received one week prior to the event are not eligible for reimbursement. Participant Information Admission*I UNDERSTAND THAT BY CHECKING THIS BOX, I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FEES ASSOCIATED WITH BECOMING A PARTICIPANT AND THAT I WILL ADHERE TO THE REFUND/CANCELLATION POLICY MENTIONED ABOVE.YOU MUST PUT AFTF 2023 IN THE NOTE TO ENSURE THAT YOUR PAYMENT IS RECEIVED BY THE ART DEPARTMENT FOR PROCESSING Share this:TweetEmailPrintRedditShare on TumblrWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...